Reloading Accessories For Sale
The simplest way to sum up Blackhillsshooterssupply Reloading Supplies is to call it “Reloader Heaven and Reloading Accessories.” We have one of the biggest selections of reloading supplies and equipment in the upper Midwest. The items sold in the shop and online are chosen with John Walton’s experience in mind.
Mark 7 Reloading 1050 PRO Autodrive for Dillon 1050 Press 110 Volt
Product Overview
Mark 7 Reloading 1050 PRO Autodrive
Features- 1.5 HP high torque motor
- User selectable speeds of up-to 2,400 rounds/hour
- Includes 10" pre-loaded computer tablet - no control boxes
- Downloadable software upgrades for life
- Completely compatible with Mr. Bulletfeeder and GSI bulletfeeders
- User selectable speeds from 900 to 1,800 RPH (rounds per hour)
- Digital Clutch has three settings - High/Medium/Low
- Index has one setting - Enabled or Disabled
- Mounted on same heavy-duty baseplate as other Mark 7 1050 Autodrives
- All other features are identical to other Mark 7 1050 Autodrives
- Loading press and bullet feeder not included